
God The Goddess, Warrick

Is Spirit talking to you?  Visionscapes bring your inner dreams and hopes into the tangible landscape of living through the gateway of your soul.

Believe – The painting of the big red flower was an inner view of what I want my quality of living to be.  It was interesting because as I painted the back view of the flower became prominent.  I realized that as I daydreamed I was always looking out towards the ocean.  This perspective came forward from my subconscious soul onto the canvas.

Pure Love is the rooted essence of mother, female, feminine.  This aspect of God  allows my vibrant Self to bath naked in the moonlight, colorful and full of life.

Breathe!  Come into your Self through meditation and connection to your life force. Visionscapes can be inspired doodles or epic inspirations.  Often each tells a story that is unrealized within us. There is a creative essence within all of us.  It is yours to explore.  Mine your inner Insights and create pathways to…

Dream * Believe * Achieve

Spiritual Love Opening

Spiritual Love Trust Mercedes Warrick

All images are the copyrighted material of Mercedes Warrick. Duplication or Reproduction IAMPhoniexRisingof any kind is strictly prohibited.

© 2012 Mercedes Warrick All Rights Reserved

My Visionscape Cards.