Making America Great Again!

It’s All Spiritual – A Commentary

“On January 20 some will celebrate while others will be in aghast in disbelief.

It would have been that way no matter who had won.”

It’s All Spiritual.  The man who will lead this country over the next four years won doing the things he did, his way. Chaos, confusion, misdirection, shadows and noise. Classic communication techniques. He was successful. It’s not going to change. The opportunity in all of this to look around and gather my strength and make the tenants of manifestation real and activate the principles of applied spirituality deeper into my life.

Have my dreams changed? Have my basic requirements changed? No. Will these change? Only by my choice and through my discipline or lack thereof.

Between each bit of chaos and confusion are gaps of silence and peace. It is within these gaps emergence exists. Emergence of what? That is the question? Emergence of insight and inspired action. New innovations and new collaborations. It is time for me to be actively silent, still and delve into the inner realms. Then act on the inspiration.

Reiki Blessings Iaugration Day.pubOn January 20 some will celebrate while others will be in aghast in disbelief. It would have been that way no matter who had won. If I believe in the esoteric energy and I do very deeply. I will watch this country transform into a spiritual greatness. This greatness we manifest as a collective as well as the greatness that each of us passionately embrace for ourselves as individuals. It has already begun.

Over dinner conversations, community meetings and informal chats the questions are coming to the surface. Who Am I? Am I that America. Who Am I as a walk in this life, live in this country?

This greatness will not be defined as spiritual. Many will be just doing what he or she does. Doing it they way the do it from their heart. More hearts and big hearts will open up to basic human qualities, like kindness, generosity, politeness and compassion. These hearts will demand freedom, equity, sustainability, peace and higher values. People will realize with acute sensitivity that the power and the force of my greatness dwells within me. It is mine alone to bring forward. This is my greatness and one-by-one, person-by-person there will be a great rising.

The stimulus that has been provided will be the catalyst that causes us to go deep within ourselves and find our true selves, open our hearts wide and act. Actions large and small, grand and individual are born here.

The noise level in this country is about to rise a few thousand decibels.
And so shall the silence.

May You Know the Divine Intimately



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