The Healing Channel

goodthegoddess.warrickThe messages from Spirit continue to flow through strongly.  This one  is very clear, ” Do a healing channel.”  On April 29 the first healing channel, As One Womb, will be presented.

Ever since I began painting the womb has been present.  One mentor in particular always teases me that, “She has painted another one!”

Our womb is the sacred space of creation within our physical and ethereal bodies.  It is where we accept, receive, manifest and begin.  Love is here and it transforms, transmutes and transcends energy, space and time giving life.

Unified Unity. Present across all demographics, beliefs and backgrounds there is our womb.  A space of sacred creation within us. This sacred time when we meet to ignite creation, healing and manifestation is called: As One Womb.

Our womb. It is a spiritual space for women to create, love, fertilize and heal.  It is a spiritual strength that allows us to hold our spiritual fortitude to stand in the Force of our highest ideals with conviction to bring forth good and blessings into our Selves and into the World. Our womb is our spiritual  governance of sacred rituals and natural rhythms. Our womb carries our ancestors bringing forth sacred continuity from generation-to-generation.

What is a healing channel?

It was several months.  The Soul Inspired Tune Up® had emerged through Spirit.  However, I am just God’s ink pen.  I wrote the words and language yet I had to learn the lessons.  Spiritual Hygiene.  Love Aligned Living.  I AM Success and Success is My Sacred Right!  These are the general precepts that will form the basis of our sacred space.  As presented to me by Spirit, the session will involve a circle of women from all walks of life and status coming together to share wisdom, healing and alignment with Love.  It is a number of items and will most likely vary from  session-to-session depending on who is present.  What I have “seen” in meditation is that there will be some discussion, breath work, meditation, prayer and as guided, hands-on healing. We will collectively move into Love Alignment and Love is the basis of the healing energy that transforms, transcends and transmutes ALL.

Each session will be approximately 3 hours.

These sessions are titled, “As One Womb”.  Each is a gathering of women who come into Unity to discuss, heal, and transform issues that are of our mind-body-spirit-soul.  You must be at least 18 years old to participate. The sessions are fluid and spiritual.  We will flow into whatever is present with love and discernment.


Who should attend:  These sessions are FOR WOMEN ONLY. You must be at least 18 years old to attend.

When:  The last Tuesday of the month.  Tuesday April 29th

Time:  Doors Open at 6:30 p.m.  Event begins:  7:00 p.m.

There will be no entry after the event begins. 

Where:  Luminosity Wellness Center

Location Address:

Luminosity Wellness Center · 2400 W. Tenaya Way  Ste. 150 · Las Vegas NV · 89128


Fee:  LOVE OFFERING CLICK HERE TO EXPRESS YOUR GIFT on line or come to the event to contribute at our location.  No one will be turned away because of their ability to contribute.

Seats are available on a first come, first served basis. Seating is limited. Come early to meet other women.  The doors open at 6:30 p.m.  The event begins at 7:00 p.m.  Once the event begins the doors are closed and no entry is allowed.

Contact Information / Questions:

(702) 348-8800  · · About Reverend Mercedes



Visionscape® Title:

One Love

© 2013 Mercedes Warrick, All Rights Reserved



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