WHY? WHAT? DO? Post Traumatic Spiritual Growth
Are you supporting someone who is moving through their sudden change, trauma or past victimization through spiritual strength, self care and personal power? Please give them this edition of the I AM Mind.
Why? There is a Bigger Vision.
Spirit whispered a few years ago and asked me to provide a sacred place for people to power their personal journey of healing and transformation. So every year at Thanksgiving I would do a series of Channels and post them on my website. There was none of the usual marketing stuff – no links, no registration required. It was totally anonymous. I would not know who was visiting or how many. Every now and then I would get a note….. “Thank you, I can breathe again.”
This Thanksgiving when I began to prepare Spirit said, “Just keep doing what you are doing.” Why? I didn’t get it. There were no channels and then these two I AM Mind’s came. Still not understanding I have held off on publishing each until now.
This morning Spirit clued me in.
Your YouTube Channel is totally open, people can subscribe or not and WOW, is this more open to the forces of synchronicity!
Links to YouTube Videos: Do Affirmations Work? I AM Provided For
Through Spirit I was told WHAT to ask you….
Why do you think you are experiencing this moment or these events in your life?
What is your belief system?
What do you believe?
What do you see?
What are you changing?
What are you feeling?
What is the gift in all of this?
And then they asked me to ask you
Do you believe that Affirmations work?
Do you believe that your voice has power?
These questions are the beginnings. It took me awhile to understand that what I was believing was supporting or hindering my healing and forward movement.
It also took me awhile to discover that if I could just breathe the way out was within me.
Out of what? Spiritual transformation is an evolution.
So today, I would describe my “What’s” as:
the distinction between what was happening to me and what was really happening, all aspects of it.
Another my “What” was moving me (my ego) out of my way so I could get myself out of my way.
Another “What” was what am I learning? What was my contribution? What was I reacting too?
What is the value of this in my life? Am I giving it too much weight and value?
Finally, What is my destiny? Was I supposed to stay here or move on and through?
There were so many beliefs and personal safety behaviors that were hampering my growth.
What I required was the releasing of myself and my ego to fully appreciate and receive my Post trauma spiritual gifts.
Choosing a Higher Plain.
Choosing to love me as me despite of what had happened, what was happening, what I felt about it and what stories were playing in my head. Choosing to love me as I evolved and became “different” after my experiences. I had to learn to love. I am still learning to love the evolution from corporate executive to spiritual intuitive. Also, the healing was hard. Learning that loving you despite what your behavior has done to harm me was one of the gateways to aligning with love. Being grateful for what had happen despite the pain, depression and post traumatic stress. The higher plain was loving myself because I am worthy of better. The dirt, the filth, the grime and the crime were pointing me towards a spiritual opening and awakening. Some call this, Post Traumatic Spiritual Growth.
Did and Do affirmations work for me? I hope you will listen to the audio. The answer is maybe and sometimes and yes. Do Affirmations Work?
Every Day in Every Way I Plant the Best Seeds that I Can
My morning first thoughts are from the I AM MIND. I learned to listen this way in part through showing up every morning and breathing into the Divine Source Energy. I do the best that I can. Some days, I couldn’t inhale. I had to be kind to myself. Other days, the inspiration floods in. Every day I breathe.
May your exploration through this YOUTUBE Channel bring you into your personal and very sacred place of peace. The peace within you is the prime healing agent, transformative force and manifestation miracle. The breath opens the way to peace and serenity and this is the Force of TRANSFORMATION that is within you. Source Creator, Great Spirit, The Holy Divine, Divine Source Energy, God takes what you plant in the sacred field within you and blossoms IT!
I Know This! I Lived This! Trauma Opens Your Spiritual Gifts
There is a gift within each trauma. The ideas, meditations, prayers and ponderings are gifts I receive through my Guides. What I have learned in my spiritual collaboration is that whatever spiritual practices I move through and adapt will stay with me for my lifetime. I was given The Soul Inspired Tune Up which moved me through my post traumatic stress and into my spiritual gifts and talents. Your keys for living, unlocking solutions, love and transformation are the inspirations that are within you, within your breath.
Plant A Few Sacred Seeds!
I have added the link to The Sacred Seed, I AM Success meditation here. It is a journey into shedding tension, relaxation and planting a few sacred I AM seeds.
Each of these sacred seeds is planted. Let’s harvest them together!
Welcome to Your Spiritual Transformation.
Email: Mercedes@MercedesWarrick.com
Visit: www.MercedesWarrick.com
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