#4775 Warrick

*  Most of the time I am barefoot and on the floor.  No stilettos here!  I like to be as close to the ground as possible.

*  Before my feet hit the ground in the morning I do a series of long inhalations and exhalations to connect with Divine Source Energy.  Then I rest in this space and feel the Holy Spirit rise within me.

* I am enjoying cooking.  I love intimate dinner parties with friends.  I break out the fine china and SURPRISE everyone with my culinary talents.

* I am changing my food life plan which means it can get interesting when I want M&M’s.

*  If I say I am hungry it means, “It is time to eat NOW!”

*  One of the biggest JOYs of my life is my German Shepherd, Bella Qi.  She is the perfect canine companion for me right now.  Loves to ride in the car…. when she is not driving!

*  My art soothes my soul.

*  I love being me right now.  To get here, well… it has been a journey!

*  I AM PASSIONATE about this work and YOU!