What am I doing? How am I doing it? These are the questions that I receive from almost everyone.  This is soul inspired healing with many, many angels along the way. There have been some insights that are practical exercises.  There have been some knowledge gleaned from professionals.  Through it all I have been divinely guided.  There is just no other way to put it.

I have sat in Spirit when I did not know what to do.  There has been miracle after miracle.  People have extended their hearts and their prayers.  I will talk about the spirituality of this very deep and personal experience. I will not say, This is how I cured my cancer for the only thing I can say is, ” My Soul inspired me, I rested and got comfortable with the unknown, I went into a  sacred  trust and I AM Happy.” What am I learning? I will say without any hesitation, healing is 20/20 INsights.

  • This is my PERSONAL journey.  There’s no how to book.   During every phase of feeling better my Guidance has given me actions steps and wisdom.  MY GUIDANCE being the operative words here.  Despite the love of my Crew, this is a very solitary journey.  My journey. My way.  Your journey. Your way.  Guidance, that inner communion with God Source led the way.  There is no set way.  There is only God Source’s way for you.  Through free will, your acceptance and knowing the inner voice of God within me I came into intimate relationship with the infinite eternal and the unknown became familiar.  This is peace and peace is healing.
  • In through God.  Out Through God.  Love My Self in between. There is only the journey and collaboration through God Source / Spirit.  This is the basis of all creation that is before me.  Everything required is here.  Everything before me is God.  I see the God Source Love as the creation called. I AM.
  • I AM is frequency, not affirmation. Through the alignment with the frequency of God Source I come into alignment with the thing It Self.  The only Law allows the flow of God be realized into form.  This is co-creation through God Source.
  • There is Divine Order.  Patience, Humility, Compassion are my personal life lessons from cancer.  Each of these frequencies order my humanity into a Divine Solution.  The equation of Divine Order is constant.  The healing frequencies are unique to each individual.
  • The Messengers of God are multi-cultural, multi-dimensional, interfaith and may not look like me.  That guy in New Zealand led me to a site with healing meditations.  The people didn’t look like me. Guidance was like, “Really, Do you want to heal?”  My healing will come from unexpected places and through unexpected ways.  Get over your intolerances.  Healing intolerance and judgement, for me, is part of the lesson.
  • Love Thyself with Compassion.  Set  boundaries ruthlessly.  Don’t feel guilty.  Don’t look back.  Do you.
  • Cancer is a multi-facetted imbalance. It has shown up to teach me and everyone around me. There are many aspects to consider and address.
  • This is a journey not a fight. Everything is God.  Everything has a right to exist.  There is not right nor wrong. I didn’t do anything to deserve cancer.  Cancer is not my fault. It is a frequency and through the spiritual principle of polarity its opposite exists. What I resist, persists.  If cancer exists then its opposite, optimum health also exists.  Focus there. The law is the LAW. It delivered cancer The Law can deliver the healing. I am responsible for the co-creation of any outcome.  This did not happen to to me.
  • I didn’t get it the first time or the second time or even the third time.  Once I really began to explore my inner self. There was the main lesson that had been presented several times throughout my life. This time however, I really got it.  Truthfully the New Zealand treasure pointed a few things out.
  • Be consistent with your healing ritual. Everyday.
  • What caused my cancer?  Too long to go into here.  It’s spiritual, emotional, physical, mental and interdimensional.  Your beliefs are your knowing.  Your knowing about every aspect of your life will be challenged.  Adjust, be flexible or die.
  • For every pro I found there was a con.  For every con I found there was a pro.  Trust your insights.  Integrate your care.
  • Begin an in-depth relationship with your spiritual text(s).  I got tired and it is amazing how many times I would open a book and the inspiration to keep going was in those words of wisdom.
  • I AM Human.  There must be a way to acknowledge the Polarity within you. There has to be an outlet for emotions, fear and pain. In metaphysics we say that everything is an illusion.  However, the pain is real.  The weakness is real.  The fog brain is real.  REAL:  Realized Energy Actualized in Life.  So the challenge becomes how did I deal with it.  If you are offended by the use of the word fuck  get over it (at least for this moment).    Fuck!  Fuck that Shit! Fuck No! Fuckery! It became a release and a laugh.  It bubbled up from the Inner Insight. You can shift and heal however in this moment as I honor myself this is what I am feeling and experiencing in this moment.
  • There is the will to die, the fear to live and a lot of truth in between. I knew this.  The will to die can be subconscious and this requires some real honesty, self awareness and reflection.
  • Use spiritual law and principle to release any fear.  This includes the fear of dying.
  • Create life, beauty and inspiration.  In my case it is art, jewelry, and my crystal rock garden.
  • I live by my definition of “Happy”.  Happy is the eternal state of satisfaction and contentment contained within each NOW (breath) moment. Identify your equivalent to happy.  I call these the sacred seeds.  Each is the smallest denominator to entering the Force of God Source. Focusing on these sacred seeds while not applying any descriptions or conditions leaves room for God Source to work.

This is my healing stream of co-creating consciousness. The lessons from Spirit are many, many more.  Conversations with God Source, I call, The Mindfulness of Healing.  Know that there is only one way if you ask me I will always say, “Go in through God, come out through God. And, Love yourself along the way.  Where there is no love or peace, there is no healing.  Bring yourself to this state of Just Being.  Know that this is a sacred trust. And,  always,  always, leave room for God Source to  work!

May you know the Divine Intimately….
