Live Inspired by the Law of Polarity

The law of polarity is a sliding scale of opposites.  From Divine Light Joy to Divine Dark Joy – which we may label as sadness.  Joy to less joy.  Love to less love.



Has this ever happened to you? I had a fleeting thought, I could feel the change in my body and my mood changed.

Sunshine HeartYou are having a great day. The sun feels warm and bright.  You went shopping and found the “perfect” ______.  Dinner was an occasion not just a meal.  Then for some reason you think of something that was in the past, maybe not such a good memory OR you begin to think about tomorrow or next week! In this moment you have changed your emotional dial.  Just like changing radio stations you have chosen to change your emotional station.

In terms of what then presents itself into your current reality, this shifting has non emotional consequences for the frequencies of manifestation.  Spirit said to me recently, “God does not care what the story is. God wants you happy and in love. If sad is going to create happiness for you then you will have more sad.”

The law of attraction is the superstar celebrity of universal force. So this is probably not new news.The law of attraction brings to you what you are asking for, what you have shifted too. What I mean by this is if you are emerged in the subtle frequency of ” sad” then you shift to sad and more sad things  or situations are presented to you to confirm that you are sad.

Understand I am not talking about events or circumstances where it is appropriate to grieve or respond in a human way.  I am talking about holding on, not letting sadness go and wearing it like a breast plate. You are armored up and not able to response or live lovingly.

Spirit has been very persistent in stating that we must speak our truth, then shift. So if I feel sadness then the truth is that i am sad (small letters are on purpose).  Sad may actually feel good and this sad is very much in the ego. There may be a benefit to staying sad.

You can be in your power when you are in your truth.  I am sad. Circumstances may have happened.  A death, a divorce, a job change, a financial event. Something very real. you know sad however, these circumstances do not make  or define you as the divine I AM.  As you are ready you shift and in that moment your inner power is stating, ” I Am choosing to change. I Am choosing happy or joy or even simply I choose acceptance.”

This is not stair steps.  You can change into your I AM in a moment just as easily as you dialed in your ego i am. It is possible to shift directly into the Divine Light frequency and transform your sad ego based i am into the I AM powered by the Divine that you are.  I AM Happy.  I AM Joy! I AM Divine.  I choose collaboration with the subtle force of Love.

The law of polarity is a sliding scale of opposites.  From Divine Light Joy to Divine Dark Joy – which we may label as sadness.  Joy to less joy.  Love to less love.  Moving your inner dial to your chosen frequency as often or as little as you choose.

So this morning I had a great start to my day.  Spirit revealed an answer during my morning prayers.  The sun is gorgeous today.  I smiled because some unexpected “just because” money came my way.  Then, I had a thought about my divorce (seven years ago so this was totally in ego) and I could feel the shift in my body. I have tools to use and I try not to tolerate any negative frequencies in my body.  I went to my card system, pulled a card with a negative emotion – not unexpected considering what I was feeling.   I immediately breathed out the negative and breathed into my I AM Power.

card 1

Loving me when I am a victim….


One harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency or condition.

Release:  Right Here. Right NOW I choose to release from being a


(3 Sighs of Release: Inhale through the nose/ Exhale through the mouth.)



Loving me when I am a victim….

LOVE is my foundation

being a victim is a moment in the past.


Love is Abundance.

Success is my sacred right.


I AM Whole

9 times Remembering Breath

(Breathe in through the nose / Breathe out through the nose)

I AM Success (Inhale)

Success is my sacred right.  (Exhale)

The law of attraction is important! However, when you begin to understand some of the other shining stars in the Divine Force Field like, the law of polarity you will have another living universal force that divinely inspires your love aligned lifestyle!

Love 365

In Joy & In Spirit



Reverend Mercedes Warrick is a spiritual teacher, artist, energy alchemist/healer and leadership consultant. Over the past two years The Soul Inspired Tune Up®, her meditation and energy practice, has evolved through Spirit to become a guiding pathway to intuitive love aligned living.  New this year is Visionscapes®. She is facilitates inner evolutions mentoring your personal renaissance through Spirit, creativity and art.

For more information about my tools and services click the links:

My card system:  Visionscapes, The Soul Inspired Tune Up

or The Energetic Divorce


(702) 348-8800  · · About Reverend Mercedes

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