7 Days of Connection: FREE Virtual Open House

August 23 through August 30 Via ZOOM Conferencing

Welcome. Welcome.  Welcome. Welcome Home.

How The Guidance greets me and comes forward in just about everything I do.  "Welcome. Welcome. Welcome." This greeting is extended to you.  Thank you for being here.  Blessings Be Unto You.

What's on this website is the book I would have written. There is A Lot on this website.  That's because there was a lot of learning and new awareness as I journey through the experience called, "Cancer."  That's where most of the insights here came from.  Me navigating whether to live or die; heal or fade away. What I know now that there is a fundamental core connection that is our birthright.  This connection to God is the comfort, care, compassion we deserve in all situations and relationships within our daily living.  The Connection is peace and peace is where the true living is.  Peace is where we allow everything we need to flow in.  Peace is where the greatest revealing and discoveries of Oneness are.  Peace is The Sacredness. Peace is Home.

You will experience The Awareness.  We will do some Q&A at different junctures throughout our seven evenings together. The virtual open house will give you a chance to discover the innate Presence of my Channel and the conscious awareness it uncovers within you. This will be an exploration of a portion of the 30 audio channels that gave form and substance to living through Source at a critical time. I am so please to invite you to attend, explore and discover this inspired Guidance.


There's a rhythm to living.

Breathe but access to the Divine comes through Allowance.  Breath without allowance is just an exercise.

Everything is Energy, Frequency and Vibration.  Everything is made of the same stuff.

Love yourself without Love there is no real connection.  Love even if you have to learn how to.  (I did)




Living Sacred Qi.  Is a LIFE designed through You for you.

It is Connection. It is Flow.  It is Devotion.  It is Discovery.


Registration: Via EventBrite:

Cost: Register for FREE.

Guidance always says to leave room for Source to provide.  If you feel

called to make a financial gift it is appreciated.  Here is a link for you

to make a Heart Inspired Contribution. https://sacredqi.com/index.php/buy-me-a-bag-of-groceries/

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