The World is Energy Not Illusion

The Continuum From The Radiant Soul Balancing Ignitions. Art by Mercedes Warrick

I no longer speak of illusion.  Guidance clearly lifted the veil, it is a misconception that this is an illusionary world that spiritual teachings have advanced.

The veil of illusion is the intangible.  Understanding ourselves as dynamic flow allows The Divine to become realized and tangible.  The Divine becomes real. As I watched esteem teachers of metaphysics and spirituality struggle to define and spirituality justify the ravages of covid-19 to their audiences it was amazing to witness the circular language and feel their discomfort in talking about what is happening as an illusion. In contemplation preparing for the Consciousness of Prayer class a wave of certainty flowed through me. What is happening and has happened is R.E.A.L.Realized. Energy. Actualized. In Life. There is only energy and the energy is in front of us is Divine Actualization.  Energy brought into form.

Tragedies and blessings. Births and deaths. Prosperity and poverty. Truth and lies. The continuum is clearly evident in a hypersensitive manner for us to experience Divinity’s transparency. Energy, dynamic and impersonal has arrived to teach us. These loved ones who have transcended life have taught us. The circumstances of each death has taught us. The fear of not knowing the next "how" or "why" has taught us. These lessons, circumstances and personal reviews are forward to teach us. Each is R.E.A.L. We are not peering into a veil. We are sinking onto our knees and into our hearts. We are being reminded of our humanity and remembering our souls.

Across this country we are losing cultural treasures. Disproportionally, communities of richness are loosing their libraries of wisdom as the Elders of the oral traditions return to Eternity.  Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Aunts, Uncles, The village Wise Ones, their wisdom is now whispers in the winds.  Fathers who are good men.  Protective men. Safe men.  Men of fortitude and conviction.  Family men.  Women being returned to the home, to their foundation and their know how.  Women banding together.  Women creating.  Women survived and surviving. The people who are dying while in service to us.  Their mind/heart set of service and servitude to something greater for the good of us all is lost with them. When these people die we are losing treasures.

Grief. Anger. Fear. Disbelief. Uncertainty. Shame. Are energetic signatures. However, when we understand that these are frequencies on a continuum, we can tune in to another frequency. It may take everything we have. It may take strength that we did not know is there. We may have to band together to pull it out of each other. We have the Innate within us. This is practical, tangible, useable spirituality and a Divine relationship. We cannot or should not suck it up by using spiritual principles to disregard real emotional distress. The teaching that this world is an illusion is a false precept.. It is causing tension and distress. What is happening is not some wispy, metaphysical, intangible that reduces your power to zero.

The form we have taken through our body allows us to live on Earth.  We maneuver living on Earth being a thinking-reacting-behaving human allows us to function here. Living only becomes a Divine Expression when we awaken our power to express divinely. It is when we live solely through our human power that the illusion occurs. We have forgotten that our divine power is The Force.  Living through willpower only is the illusion.  Both this illusion and the divine expression exist on the continuum.  Wherever, however, whenever we chose to tune in is what makes what is happening R.E.A.L. A realized divine event expressing.

While the line on this continuum ignition may look solid.  It is comprised of an infinite number of points.  This is the opening of all possibilities regardless of our station or circumstance.


May You Know The Divine Intimately.

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