With So Much Going On… How?

The Intersection, The Lighthouse & Patience

We were checking in at our Foundations of Contemplative Care Cohort.  Around the circle, one-by-one each of us puts our feeling words, only two, into the energy of the day. The words were solemn.  I had not, as is my habit, turned on my phone, my source for news and information.  As the check-in continued, it was clearly evident that something had happened in the world.  Horror, grief, despair and more.  With some sort of irony.  Our precept for this month is: DO NOT KILL: Do not harm, Honor Life, Spirit and The Purpose of All Things. A precept is like a principle to live by. How tender are we in this moment?  Two days of delving into the spirit of Do Not Kill... Honoring life, of all things, in this moment,

Continuing my sharing as my coursework expands, stretches and grows me.

The video, Living and Applied Spiritually During War and Chaos, is admittedly long, 52 minutes.  It is a reflection of my determination to stay in this and not run away. Maybe watch it is segments.  So much of the teaching of this class is to be fully present in the moment.  Be in my body.  Be in my feelings.  Be aware of my mind state... small m intended. YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdIWA-yWFiI

Along with this, October 1st was my 6th anniversary of my cancer diagnosis.

I have cried in gratitude, despair, I have cried for release and for clarity.

There is a series on Sacred Qi called: (How to) Holding the High Watch.  This series of six videos came through from contemplation for the Maui fires.  The final video in the series came forward a few days after Israel.  Holding the High Watch is a divine calling.  The final video: BE The Lighthouse speaks to becoming a beacon that welcomes all.  The Beacon... is a refuge, a light.  Through storms and calm waters The Lighthouse becomes sacred ground to provide a safe haven. I call on The Beacon and The Light to guide me through. YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/kes_Fy_cS3A

The Intersection of The Crossroads and The Pathways.

A new Sacred Soul Ignition arrived.  The Intersection of The Crossroads and The Pathways.  This ignition is an urging to release the old thinking around karma.  It is holding the energy that everything that has happened and that has evolved is right action/energy to who you are in this moment.  It urges patience for ourselves and others.  Be in patience to reflect and receive the space between the breath that allows us to be present with openness and expansiveness.  For the past few weeks, Guidance has been saying constantly.... Patience. Patience. Patience.

What I Feel.

What I have felt has been a salad bowl of emotions.  I AM all tossed up. Within myself and my new training I feel that within all of this death and destruction there is a wave of reconstruction that is possible.  The lives that have been lost, for what purpose could this possibly be? The formulation of future actions. And, more that is beyond my capacity to understand... there has to be a rebuilding the question is, to what?

Questions and More Questions.

In many spiritual practices it is said, "Be in The Now Moment."  I have used the phrase, "The Radical Now."  What would that look like? Is it possible for us to be solely in this moment. Not forget history but not let history rule forever.  Is it possible to move forward based solely on what is happening now? Right now the Radical Now is a crisis and a human tragedy beyond comprehension, so exactly, how does this work?  Are there universal spiritual principles or natural laws that we can all agree on to begin to form a basis for civility, consensus, and innovative solutions?

The principle of Impermanence is that all things change, decay, die.  Impermanence is that we do not live forever.  We do not own anything.

How can we bring this principle into practice as we negotiate through conflict? What if we dissolve any proprietary stance of ownership? How would we be together if the staunch entitlements were dissolved by ALL parties? As I write this another question has come forward: What if we did not even own our positions or beliefs, our religions or beliefs? What would be left? We would see ourselves as only human? How would we communicate without the labels, titles or memberships? How would we build? Is it possible to soften our eyes and blur the lines of cultural bias in an effort to realize our collective and illusionary stances of superiority?

How do we act? What do we pray for? How do we not hate back?

I also believe in harmony and balance, so where is it? In some other part of the world? In a remote desert? Deep in the rain forest?

Is this what is happening in the world THE CROSSROADS or, are we only on another pathway in the growth of ourselves, this world and our destiny?

Maybe with a more innocent and bereaved eye... How does such evil exist? What is the purpose of evil? Am I really to honor the purpose of a heinous act? I lived to see the purpose in disease, now am I learning to see the purpose within hate?

I have been encouraged by what seems to be restraint, at least enough to define objectives and get clear about what has happened.  I have been encouraged that humanity, humaneness, and humility are present. I have been encouraged that there is a general perception on the toll on Innocence - I say it this way because how could I possibly understand. The grief of families reverberate waves into us.  It is unavoidable.  We are affected for the better and for the worst. The understanding that Patience must be tolerated in order for us to heal and grow past this.


What has come forward.

The Pearls of Peace.

From these wounds came beauty.

The Gratitude Breath:

  • As I Breathe In: I AM Grateful. As I Breathe Out: Thank You.

When we are grateful we are clear and content in the moment.  Gratitude returns us to clarity and being settled in a moment.

Mahatma Gandhi
  • Let me be the Peace that I want to see in the world.


  • Let me be the Peace that I want to see in the world

Let me be the PEACE, the LIFE, the HEALER, the SUSTAINNANCE, the RESOLUTION, the WISDOM etc. That I want to see in the world.  Guidance has said to contemplate on what is yours to do, support or create and bring its simplest outcome forward as a confirmative prayer, measured action, and mindful contemplation. Your contribution matters.  Your vision matters.  Your soul's ignition may be the fire that fuels change.


The energy is restless and tossing within me.  It is okay.

I must settle within myself before l will be settled in my Knowing.  It is times like these that bring me into our shared existence. It is times like these when the questions will bring reflection, introspection and growth of Spirit that I could not ever imagined for myself. It is okay that these events have deeply affected me.  It is okay that I do not know what to do.  It is okay that I SIT with this for a while.

From my prayer titled, I AM.

As I release my seeking I AM Delivered Into Love and Understanding.

Namaste..... Holding All Lives Sacred.

One Heart

Four Blessings

Breathe Deeply


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